Wojciech Reise

I am a machine learning engineer at Akur8. With my colleagues, we develop a platform that leverages statistical learning to help actuaries model the risk associated with contracts,
and develop pricing strategies.
Before that, I wrote a doctoral thesis, under the supervision of
Frédéric Chazal and
Bertrand Michel, at Université Paris-Saclay and
Inria (DataShape).
Using topological techniques, I studied periodic functions with phase variation, a model motivated by a problem in vehicle navigation.
I am not actively working in new academic research besides my role at Akur8, but I will be happy to discuss previous work and current research directions.
Mail: reisewojciech [at] gmail [dot] com
I am interested in applications of persistent homology and geometric inference. I worked on using topological and geometric descriptors of magnetic data measured inside a moving vehicle to infer its velocity and heading.Pre-prints
- Topological signatures of periodic-like signals,
To appear in Bernoulli.
[journal], [arxiv] - Topological phase estimation method for reparameterized periodic functions,
To appear in Advances in Computational Mathematics.
[journal], [arxiv], [code] - Giotto-tda: A Topological Data Analysis Toolkit for Machine Learning and Data Exploration,
Presented at NeurIPS 2020 workshop "Topological Data Analysis and beyond".
[arxiv], [code] - Audio identification with topological fingerprints,
Published in SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science.
[journal], [arxiv], [code]
For finished work, slides are available below. For ongoing or unpublished work, slides are available upon request.- PhD defense
December 2023, Orsay, France
Topological techniques for inference on periodic functions with phase variation (Slides)
A description of my work is available in the thesis. - Séminaire de Mathématiques Appliquées
February 2023, Nantes, France
Functional summaries of reparametrized periodic functions (Slides)
A method for constructing signatures of random reparametrizations of periodic functions is presented. The proposed signatures are functions, which contain information about the height and order of local extrema of the observation. In contrast to other statistical methods for reparametrized curves, the observations can be of different lengths and the construction does not involve aligning them. The signature is shown to be stable with respect to changes in the distribution of reparametrizations and to enjoy standard CLT properties, including in the case of dependent observations. The positioning of a vehicle based on magnetic signals is the industrial application which motivated this work. Ongoing work with Frédéric Chazal and Bertrand Michel. - Rencontres Mathématiques-Mécanique, Congres Francais de Mécanique
August 2022, Nantes, France.
Méthode topologique d’estimation de phase pour fonctions périodiques reparamétrisées (Slides)
On considère un signal constitué de plusieurs périodes d’une fonction périodique dont on observe une reparamétrisation bruitée. Le problème d’estimation de phase consiste à retrouver cette reparamétrisation et, en particulier, le nombre de périodes observées. Des estimateurs existent quand la fonction périodique est simple ou connue. On se place dans le cas où la fonction reparamétrisée est inconnue et on s’intéresse ici à des estimateurs basés sur la quantification de la forme du signal. On propose un estimateur du nombre de périodes construit sur l’homologie persistante du signal qui synthétise la structure temporelle des extremas locaux de celui-ci. On en déduit un estimateur de la reparamétrisation. Ce travail est motivé par une application au positionement de véhicule, sur laquelle on évalue l’approche proposée. - The 2nd Young Topologist Seminar in AI and biological sciences
July 2022, Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, China
A tutorial on persistent homology with GUDHI and giotto-tdaPersistent homology, a tool from Topological Data Analysis, has witnessed an increasing number of applications. Numerous implementations of complex constructions, reduction algorithms and vectorization methods for persistent homology are now widely available, making topological descriptors accessible and computable in different contexts. In the first part of the talk, we will study a topological inference example, highlighting the features and flexibility of Gudhi: a library with efficient and flexible algorithms to construct simplicial complexes and compute geometric approximations of shapes. In the second part of the talk, we will focus on a time-series classification example, where we will illustrate the functionalities of giotto-tda: a Python library that integrates high-performance C++ implementations with machine learning via a scikit-learn–compatible API. - Journées de Statistique de la Société Francaise de statistique 2022
June 2022, Lyon
Topological period counting method for reparametrized functions (Slides)
We consider a signal composed of several periods of a function. We observe its reparametrisation corrupted by noise and we are interested in recovering the number of observed periods. It is a version of the phase estimation problem, often stated for functions which are simple or known. Interested in the case when the underlying function is unknown, we concentrate on estimators which quantify the shape of the function. We study the persistent homology of the signal, which synthesizes the evolution of its sublevel sets and we introduce estimators of the number of observed periods. Those estimators do not assume prior knowledge of the reparametrized function and can be used on a class of generic signals. - DataShape Seminar
May 2022, Porquerolles
Stability of topological signatures of reparametrized periodic functions - Vulgarization seminar for PhD students, LMO
November 2021, Orsay
Signal processing and topological data analysis for vehicle position estimationLes systèmes de positionnement fusionnant GPS et capteurs inertiels ne donnent pas toujours une estimation fiable de la position d'un véhicule. Ceci nous pousse à construire d'autres estimateurs, à partir des mesures de quantités indépendantes, particulièrement du champ magnétique. Après avoir motivé le problème d'estimation de phase et fréquence avec le modèle du champ magnétique, je revisiterai des outils du traitement de signal: la transformée de Fourier discrète locale et la méthode des zéros-crossings. Ces deux méthodes présentent des limitations que je tente de lever dans le cadre ma thèse. Basée sur des notions de l'analyse topologique des données, une alternative que je propose permet d'améliorer la qualité de l'estimation à basse vitesse. - Geometry and Topology meet Data Analysis and Machine Learning 2021
July 2021, Online
Odometry with persistent homologyInstantaneous frequency or phase estimation is important to recover information contained in a signal, for example, encoded through frequency modulation. In that particular case, the modulated wave is sinusoidal with a simple structure. Standard methods like counting the number of zero-crossings or the Hilbert transform estimate these quantities correctly. In other problems though, the form of the modulated wave may not be controlled or known and the classical methods can be obscured by additional frequencies contained in it. We propose a method that generalizes period counting to a wider collection of signals. Using the sub-level set homology of one-dimensional signals, we characterize its periodic structure topologically and use it to segment the signal, providing a phase estimate akin to zero-crossings. Our method depends on a scale parameter which we also show how to choose. - POSTECH MINDS workshop on TDA & ML, POSTECH
July 2021, Online
Tutorial on giotto-tda (jointly with Umberto Lupo)giotto-tda is a Python library that integrates high-performance topological data analysis with machine learning via a scikit-learn–compatible API and state-of-the-art C++ implementations. Its large selection of preprocessing techniques, of persistent homology algorithms, and of featurization methods for persistence diagrams, allows for the flexible creation and tuning of end-to-end topological machine learning pipelines for various types of data (e.g. point clouds, graphs, images, and time series). The Mapper algorithm is implemented in giotto-tda as a scikit-learn pipeline with a parallelized clustering step. Furthermore, an interactive plotting API allows one to tune Mapper’s hyperparameters and observe how the resulting graph changes in real time. In this tutorial, we will illustrate some of these functionalities by a) showing how to create pipelines for time series classification using the time-delay embedding technique, and b) showcasing the library’s generic and extensible Mapper implementation. - DataShape seminar, Inria
November 2020, Online
Towards Pattern Detection using Dynamic Time WarpingThis talk will be centered around pattern detection and Dynamic Time Warping. Using the problem of velocity estimation from magnetic data in navigation systems, I will motivate the need for detecting repeated patterns in time series and the use of Dynamic Time Warping to that aim. I will recall the definition as the technique was originally introduced, and present a selection of more recent variants, including a differentiable version. - Applied Topology Seminar, EPFL
December 2019, Lausanne
Audio identification using Persistent HomologyA fingerprint of an audio signal is a descriptive summary that encodes relevant information for a particular, signal-processing task. We focus on audio identification, which consists of detecting when pairs of tracks are similar, for example, one is a cover or an obfuscated version of the other. In this talk, I will review industry-standard approaches, introduce fingerprints based on persistent homology features of spectral representations of songs and propose an algorithm for audio identification. Finally, I will comment on the characteristics of the proposed fingerprints based on the performance of the identification algorithm on a set of obfuscated songs. - Topological Data Analysis Meetup, Alan Turing Institute
April 2019, London
Audio identification using Persistent Homology
- Analyse II - Spring 2018, EPFL
Taught by K.-D. Semmler, Principal assistant: Boris Bonev - Mathématiques - Fall 2020, Fall 2021 Polytech Paris-Saclay
Taught by Maxime Février - Mathématiques - Spring2023 Polytech Paris-Saclay
Taught by Arnaud Durand